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Alfred's Basic Graded Piano Course Lesson Book 3 - Palmer Willard; Manus Morton; Lethco Amanda Alfred 20183UK

Devirra Music  |  SKU: S-20183UK

This Alfred's Basic Graded Piano Course was written in response to many requests from teachers for an Alfred course that will enable students to pass the graded exams that are so much a part of the learning experience throughout the world. The Lesson Book introduces sight-reading and technique as well as preparation for the exam pieces. The correlated Theory Book prepares students for the theory exam at the same time. By including some exam pieces from previous practical syllabuses and also a mock theory paper from the theory exam in the correlated theory books, you, as a teacher, can judge perfectly the appropriate time to enter your pupil for the graded exam. This will make passing a formality but, more importantly, give your pupil the confidence to achieve the merits and distinctions that inspire and reward their hard work.
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  • Composer
    Palmer Willard; Manus Morton; Lethco Amanda