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Canzone SO Gr 2 - Parrish Todd Carl Fischer YAS193

Devirra Music  |  SKU: S-YAS193

Canzone, pronounced “can-zone-ay,” is the Italian word for “song.” It offers young students the opportunity to work on tone production, 3/4 time, staccato to legato articulations, and dynamic contrasts. The staccato eighth notes found in all sections give a vitality to the lyrical melodies around them. Violin 2 and Viola are given opportunities to practice high third finger C sharps while cellos are practicing extensions to C sharp. Violin 1 has an optional 8va at the end, which will work for advancing students. The elegance and beauty of this work will allow students to practice improving their tone quality. Special attention should be made to bring out the melody as it occurs throughout the various sections.
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  • Composer
    Parrish Todd