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Piano Safari The Joy of Hymns 1

Piano Safari  |  SKU: S-PNSF1031

The Joy of Hymns Book 1 features student/teacher duets at the elementary level and is appropriate for students studying in Piano Safari Levels 1 and 2.

The titles are as follows:

  1. Praise Him, Praise Him , All Ye Little Children
  2. Amazing Grace
  3. Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners
  4. O Worship the King
  5. Jesus Loves Me
  6. This is My Father’s World
  7. Near the Cross
  8. Be Thou My Vision

Contributing composers include Katherine Fisher, Julie Knerr Hague, and Lydia Sander.

Product Information: 40 Pages. Elementary Level. Includes Audio Tracks.

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Product Details


  • Composer
    Fisher Katherine; Hague Julie Knerr