Sonata in E Minor Op 38 No 1 Cello/Piano
Bernhard Romberg (1767–1841) probably was the greatest cello virtuoso of his time and compared to Paganini in his lifetime. He gave cello lessons at the famous Conservatoire de Paris among others.
Romberg's popular Trio in E minor originally was the first part of the Trois Trios d’une Difficulté Progressive pour le Violoncelle Viola et Violoncelle Op. 38. The solo violoncello was accompanied by a viola and a second violoncello. The two other trios are much more difficult, with a lot of passage work, thumb position, tenor and violin clef.
The Trio in E minor Op. 38/1 was arranged many times and scored for various combinations of instruments. This edition refers to the popular arrangement for violoncello and piano by Friedrich Gustav Jansen (1837–1910) which is ideal for music lessons and concerts.
Also available is another arrangement of the Trio Op. 38/1 for three violoncellos (SE 1008). The easy bass part can be played by another student.
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