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Wilbecks Sharps and Flats Magnets

Wilbecks  |  SKU: S-WB009

The Sharps & Flats magnets can be used to manipulate and create music notation, helping students to understand how music is written and why it is written that way. Through hands-on activity students can engage with important aspects of music notation such as time signatures, key signatures, pitch, rhythm, and dynamics. As the proverb says, "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."

The Sharps and Flats sheet includes:

  • 7 sharps
  • 7 flats
  • 4 naturals
  • Time Signatures for 
  • Dynamic Signs:
    • 4 x forte
    • 4 x mezzo forte
    • 2 x mezzo piano
    • 4 x piano
    • 2 x crescendo/diminuendo
  • The Sharps and Flats magnets work with both the large and medium magnetic Staff. This is because the printed Grand Staff is the same on both boards, ie. the staff lines are the same distance apart.

    The Sharps and Flats notation magnets work with the magnetic staff board and student lap staff board as the staff lines are the same distance apart.

    They are made of quarter inch (6mm) thick magnetic-backed foam, making them easy to pick up and place on the magnetic staff. The notes are 3.5 inches (8.8 cm) tall. The note heads are 0.8 inch (2 cm) tall.

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    • Composer
      Wilson Rebecca