Best of Cello Classics 15 Famous Concert Pieces
Best of Cello Classics' contains 15 popular performance pieces for celloand piano from four centuries. The Baroque works also contain a continu ous bass part. Apart from standard works and 'classics' such as the famous sonatas by Breval (C major), de Fesch (D minor), Vivaldi (E minor) orSaint-Saí‚ns' 'The Swan' from 'The Carnival of Animals', this volume als o contains lesser known works, like Recercada primera by Ortiz, sonatas by Cirri and Romberg, as well as some charming little character pieces by Lee, Goltermann, Ní_lck and Trowell. The majority of the works can, forthe most part, be played in the first four positions. Some pieces conta ining a few notes in the neck positions are nevertheless easily playableas well.
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