Vocal Warm Ups
What choral conductor or soloist has not looked around for new ideas forwarming up the voice? Here are 200 suggestions all at once! And these c reative exercises do more than just warm up the voice: they help to relax the body, train the ear and develop an awareness of dynamics and rhythm. "Klaus Heizmann's collection is a wonderful new resource of ideas andtechniques: practical, varied, challenging, relaxing and stimulating. I am always looking for new ideas, as I like to use a different set of wa rm-ups at every rehersal with my choirs, and I tend to choose specific exercises to suit the repertoire for the day. This collection gives us 200 excellent "tools-of-the-trade"; they are clearly lebeled, intelligently set out, well-designed and extremely useful." (Simon Carrington, Director of Choral Activities, New England Conservatory since 2001; Director of Choral Activities, The University of Kansas 1994-2001; Founder and co-director of the King's Singers 1968-1993)
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